Players can often be responsible for the well-being and smooth functioning of a team.
By following the “Code of Ethics for Players,” participants are able to be a strong positive influence on the entire season.
Try to develop my skills to the best of my ability and to give my best effort in competition. Personal development is a big part of soccer.
Compete within the rules of soccer. Winning isn’t everything.
Be respectful to coaches, referees, parents and players. Do not create an incident that would be cause for your removal from the game.
Be a positive influence on the team. Recognize that your behavior becomes a model others may choose to emulate. Good sportsmanship and positive support for your teammates, and others, is a necessity for all players.
Follow the team rules established by the coach. If the coach is constantly confronted with discipline problems, practices and games will not be fun for anyone.
Attend every practice and game that I can and will notify my coach if I cannot.
Alert my parents and/or coaches if soccer stops being fun or if I feel that I have not received a fair and equal amount of playing time.
Not allow practices and games to take precedence over school and homework. Soccer is a game. There are many things in life that are more important.
A parent attending their child’s game is, and should only be, a spectator. The referee is there to referee the game; the coach is there to coach the game. A parent is there to watch the game and cheer for their child and the child’s team.
The following CODE OF ETHICS AND BEHAVIOR is offered here to exemplify the ideal Parent/Spectator.
Remember DPSFC’s motto: KIDS HAVING FUN! If they’re not having fun, find out why and seek to change it.
Know the game. Play soccer with your kids at home, even if it’s just for five minutes a day. Take a referee or coaching course. Read about soccer & watch games on TV with your kids.
Encourage fair play. Teach your child the “Golden Rule” (do unto others as you would have them do unto you) and apply it to all games and practices.
Be supportive of all activities. Bring your child to games and practices on time and ready to play. Have them bring a ball, water, shin guards & cleats.
Refrain from using drug, alcohol and tobacco products at all youth soccer events. Request other adults present to refrain from their use as well.
Communicate any safety concerns. Inform the coach, officials or administrators of anything you feel is, or may create, a dangerous situation for anyone attending games or practices.
Be positive or be quiet. Encouraging words make soccer more fun. Words like “Don’t” and “Can’t” are four-letter words and shouldn’t be yelled in public.
Be respectful and expect my children to be respectful. This pertains not just to the coaches and referees, but also to other players and parents. Do not create an incident that would be cause for your removal. Suzie does not understand why Mommy or Daddy must leave the game; and, frankly, neither do we!
Promote good nutrition. Before each game and practice, ensure that your child has had something nutritious to eat, but not so much that they will feel weighed down. Have them pre-hydrate by drinking water before they arrive, as well as during the activities.
Volunteer to assist the coach or team. Be a “team player!” If you have soccer skills or knowledge, or are just good working with kids, offer to help at practice. If not, make calls, bring snacks, collect money for events, collect paperwork or do anything else that needs doing. The coach is busy coaching; don’t make him/her do all the management as well.
Support the coach’s and referee’s decisions. They are both doing a difficult job to the best of their abilities. If you have real concerns, speak with the coach in private.
Communicate with my child. Recognize your child’s individual performance. Ask, “How did you do?” not “Did you win?” Then listen to their reply. Be honest; don’t use flattery. Be sure to address any concerns they may have. Do not belittle their fears or opinions.
Give praise freely. When someone, anyone, is doing a good job at what they’re doing, don’t be afraid to let them know! Whether it’s your child, another child on the team, a child on the opposing team, the coach or, yes, even the referee!
Refrain from causing distractions. Noise makers, drums, horns, etc. are not allowed at DPSFC Soccer fields.
Remind others, when necessary, of the Parent’s Code of Ethics. Do so gently, politely and with respect.
The position of coach or leader of any youth group is an important and serious responsibility. All the children look up to the coach and respect his position. His behavior is constantly under observation by them and they will strive to imitate his actions. The coach’s opinion and behavior during the game will carry more weight than anyone else, even parents.
The following CODE OF ETHICS AND BEHAVIOR is offered here to exemplify the ideal DPSFC coach.
Know the laws of the game and teach them to your players. Read the rules and attend a coaching and/or a referee clinic to enhance your knowledge of the game.
Abide by the laws of the game and the DPSFC rules. Set the example for your players that no one is exempt from the laws of the game.
Ensure that each practice and game is safe, fair and fun. Your players should always come first!
Treat the referee with respect, no matter what the call. Allow for the fact that they are human and will make mistakes, just as you do.
Exhibit exemplary conduct at both practices and games. Team discipline reflects the coach’s attitude 100%.
Coach clean, skillful, honest and sportsmanlike soccer. Stress playing hard to win over winning itself. Teach fair play and the “Golden Rule” (do unto other as you would have them do unto you) and apply it to all games and practices.
Set an example of good sportsmanship. Require all players and parents to behave in the same manner. The coach is responsible for conduct of the players and parents when they are together as a team.
Maintain a climate of enjoyment. Discourage negative remarks and/or harassment of players, referees and other spectators among players and spectators.
Work at team morale. Morale is as important as soccer skills and tactics, be a “fun leader.”
Maximize praise and minimize criticisms. Make corrections slowly and calmly in a manner tailored to the individual. Start with a positive and end with a positive. Sandwich the correction in the middle.
Refrain from profanity or vulgar language. Remember that you are helping to mold the character of your players.
Coach talented and non-talented players with equal vigor. Allow players more than their required-minimum playing time.
Minimize coaching from the sidelines during games. Screaming during the game accomplishes nothing. Instead, call the player to you and give instruction or wait until the next substitution time and sub him out for instructions and then put him back into the game.
Pre-plan all practice sessions in detail. Make them interesting, fast-paced and involve all team members as much as possible (minimize standing in lines).
Welcome feedback. No one is perfect! Don’t be afraid to change. Accept new ideas from players and parents alike concerning potential problems and ways to improve.
Refrain from using drug, alcohol and tobacco products at all youth soccer events. Encourage the player’s parents to refrain as well. Do not permit players to participate if they refuse to refrain.
Copyright © 2025 Deer Park Soccer FC - All Rights Reserved.
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